Legal Notice
Welcome to the website of FUNDACIÓ PRIVADA MUSEU DEL JOGUET DE CATALUNYA-FIGUERES hosted under the URL (hereinafter “the Website”). Below we explain the terms and conditions of use of the Website which have to be followed by its users. Browsing this Website confers on you the condition of user. For this reason, we advise you to read carefully the terms and conditions in order to use it correctly, since any use contrary to what is established herein is totally prohibited and is liable to generate liabilities towards its owner.
This Website offers users the possibility of accessing the information which FUNDACIÓ PRIVADA MUSEU DEL JOGUET DE CATALUNYA-FIGUERES places at their disposal.
1. Identifying data
In compliance with the obligation of information laid down in Section 10 of Act nº 34/2002 of 11 July on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, it is hereby declared that the proprietor of the website hosted in is the entity FUNDACIÓ PRIVADA MUSEU DEL JOGUET DE CATALUNYA-FIGUERES, registered in the Public Registry of Entities of the Government of Catalonia on 03/07/1998 with number 1193.
The information and contents included in the Website are the property of MUSEU DEL JOGUET DE CATALUNYA. Their obtainment, reproduction, distribution, assignment, transmission, transformation, modification, exploitation or public communication for any use other than that provided for herein is totally prohibited.
FUNDACIÓ PRIVADA MUSEU DEL JOGUET DE CATALUNYA-FIGUERES has its registered address at c/Sant Pere nº 1, 17600 FIGUERES (GIRONA), and you can contact us by calling 972.504.585 or via e-mail addressed to
2. Conditions of access, use and functioning of the Website
Access to the Website is unrestricted. As a user of the Website you must at all times make appropriate use of it and of the contents it includes, respecting at all times the current regulations and the property rights of MUSEU DEL JOGUET DE CATALUNYA.
It is prohibited for any user or third party to carry out any action (including introduction or dissemination of IT viruses) which may cause damage or alterations to the contents of the Website and to intervene or cause disorders in the e-mail system. FUNDACIÓ PRIVADA MUSEU DEL JOGUET DE CATALUNYA-FIGUERES reserves the right to exclude access to the Website to any user who breaches this prohibition.
In all cases, we reserve the right to suspend temporarily, and with no obligation of prior warning to the users, the accessibility of our Website in the event of conducting operations of maintenance, repair, updating or improvement of the services, information and contents, and to modify or update the information, contents and conditions of access to it. To the extent that this is reasonably possible, the maintenance will be scheduled in low traffic hours, without prejudice to the discretional power of FUNDACIÓ PRIVADA MUSEU DEL JOGUET DE CATALUNYA-FIGUERES to carry this out at any moment.
3. Links
In the event of this website providing links or hyperlinks to other Internet sites, FUNDACIÓ PRIVADA MUSEU DEL JOGUET DE CATALUNYA-FIGUERES will not exercise any type of control over such sites and their contents.
Under no circumstances will FUNDACIÓ PRIVADA MUSEU DEL JOGUET DE CATALUNYA-FIGUERES assume any liability whatsoever regarding the contents of any link belonging to an unrelated website, nor will it guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, scope, veracity, validity and constitutionality of any material or information contained in any such hyperlink or other Internet site. Similarly, the inclusion of these external connections will not entail any type of association, merger or participation with the connected entities.
4. Industrial and intellectual property
All the contents of this Website (to illustrative and non-limitative purposes, databases, texts, trademarks, commercial names, audios, logotypes, distinctive signs, animations, images, videos, designs, structure of the website, etc.) are the property of FUNDACIÓ PRIVADA MUSEU DEL JOGUET DE CATALUNYA-FIGUERES or have been assigned to it for their use. The use of this Website does not confer on the users any right of exploitation of any type or proprietorship over the contents hereof, nor its intellectual and/or industrial property, with the exception of what is covered by the terms and conditions of the “Creative Commons Licence” in relation with Recognition (CC-BY), Non-Commercial (NC) and ShareAlike (SA).
The transformation, reproduction, exploitation, distribution, public communication and/or assignment, whether on a payment or non-payment basis, of any of the contents of the Website, are totally prohibited.
FUNDACIÓ PRIVADA MUSEU DEL JOGUET DE CATALUNYA-FIGUERES makes express reservation towards the users and other third persons of the exercise of all and any actions to protect its legitimate intellectual and industrial property rights.
5.- Personal Data – Privacy Policy
Below we set out basic initial information on our privacy policy. For more information, please consult
Party responsible for processing:
C/Sant Pere, I
17600 Figueres (Girona)
VAT Code: G- 17535717
Principal purposes of processing:
– To offer information on our products and services.
– To respond to queries.
– To manage registrations to our club, Newsletter and donations.
Registration number: 1193
Legitimising bases of processing:
– Execution of the service agreement.
– Express consent of the interested party.
– Access, rectification, cancellation, opposition and portability.
– Revocation of the consent given.
– Provided by the holder.
– Provided by virtue of browsing in our platform (internet).
International Data Transfers: Not foreseen
Data Protection Delegate: Not applicable
We undertake to comply with our obligation to maintain the secrecy of the personal data obtained and to process them with the required confidentiality. In this respect, we adopt the appropriate security measures in compliance with the applicable legislation on Personal Data Protection to prevent their alteration, loss or unauthorised access or processing.
Any registered user may at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, opposition and, as the case may be, cancellation of their personal data provided, by writing to FUNDACIÓ PRIVADA MUSEU DEL JOGUET DE CATALUNYA-FIGUERES at the e-mail address, attaching a copy of their National Identity Document or passport.
6. Legislation and applicable jurisdiction
Any dispute which may arise in relation with this Website will be settled in accordance with the Spanish legislation and will be submitted, with express waiver of any other jurisdiction which may correspond, to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Figueres.
Last update: December, 31 2024