Syldavia is a small country universally known for its waters and imposing landscape, but especially for having been the scene of many of Tintin’s adventures, the intrepid reporter of whom the Belgian artist Georges Remi, Hergé, told wonderful stories.
From the consulate of Syldavia to Figueres, we want to spread the virtues of our country and to bring shame on all those fellow citizens who, far from the land that we love so much, miss out on their valleys, streams and mountains.
We consider a citizen of Syldavia to anyone who has traveled to Syldavia, the Realm of the Black Pelican, through reading.

Dear friends,
From the Syldavia Consulate in Figueres we welcome you to the Toy Museum of Catalonia, the permanent seat of this diplomatic mission. Many of us discovered this country surrounded by Meccanos and Nancys, Scalextrics and Madelmans. In the Joguet Museum of Catalonia you can revive the emotions of childhood; and you might remember Syldavia, and a wonderful shop still in the streets of Klow, the capital, loaded with lead solderers and pelfa Ossetians where we discover that the great truths are in the world of the toy.
As our national motto says in our beautiful language, Eih bennek, Eih blavek! Long live Syldavia!
Joan Manuel Soldevilla Albertí
Syldavia Honorary Consul in Figueres