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Doll Lenci

This doll is an excellent example of production by the Lenci factory. Founded in Turin in 1919 by Enrico Scavini and Helen König Scavini, the name of the company was the family nickname of Helen König, although Lenci is also the acronym of the manufacturer's motto: ludus est nobis costanter industria, which means "play is our constant work".

Lenci made top quality, extremely original felt dolls with characteristic faces, highly elaborate finishes and refined dresses, which meant that at that time they were quite expensive. Although Elena Scavini (the Italianised name of Helen König after she married) designed most of the dolls, the company soon became a meeting place for other artists and a centre of development for innovative models. The Lenci dolls, with their characteristic expression, not only included figures of children, but also girls in regional dress, with clothing depending on the fashion at the time and haute couture, and with masks or representing fantasy characters, such as those inspired by the commedia dell'arte or the circus, as well as ethnic dolls. Their high quality meant that they were very soon coveted by collectors and the company launched a line of decorative models and figures inspired by real celebrities, such as Josephine Baker and Marlene Dietrich in 1926, Rodolfo Valentino in 1927, and Louise Brooks in 1930.

The success of its proposals, producing an extensive variety of models and versions in large numbers, meant that Lenci went on to win several awards in different international exhibitions. It also meant, however, that many different imitations started to appear, which the company dealt with by creating even more innovative models. In 1927, Lenci started to produce decorative pottery. The factory remained up and running until 1944, when it was bombed during World War Two. After the war, production was diversified with Walt Disney models and television characters, and with new materials.








Registration number: 101907

Made by: Lenci, Turín

Title: Doll

Date: 1922

Material/Technique: Felt, dyed and painted and woven

Measurements: 45 x 18 x 13 cm

Source: Donated by Paquita Canet Cordomí




Jocs & joguets. Museu del joguet de Catalunya. Triangle postals, Figueres, 1998.