Balls are toys that have been present in a great many cultures throughout history. The ball game was played in Mesoamerica from 1400 BC and formed part of the complex rituals that constituted the way of understanding the world of the peoples of those lands in pre-Hispanic times.
In our society, the ball is the indispensable item in children’s games and the sports of many amateurs and professionals. In this area we display balls from different periods, made from materials like cloth, leather, celluloid, rubber and plastic, but also from reeds, like the ball of the traditional Burmese game Ta Krau. We can make a special mention of the ball donated to the Museum by FC Barcelona and signed by the players of the 2004-2005 squad who won the 17th Spanish League title and the Copa Catalunya; the ball with which Ladislau Kubala played during the Salvador Vilarrassa International Quadrangular Trophy for the Santa Creu Fairs and Festivities of Figueres in May 1960; and the rugby ball given by the USAP (Union Sportive Arlequins de Perpignan) in 2015.